Writing for Goodwood

I used to be a stylist, and writing stories about vintage, fashion and history of fashion is a real passion of mine. And, when I worked at a fabulous content agency called August, I worked on the relaunch of the Goodwood website, losing myself in their brand for a few months and even creating their tone of voice guide. So when I saw a call out for journalists to write content on vintage fashion for the Goodwood site, I knew it was the gig for me.

Over eighteen months I wrote potted histories of vintage fashion from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, delved into topics including why thrift and vintage is making a comeback and what it’s like to be an impersonator and interviewed impersonators, designers, traders and makers.

My background as a journalist means I’m able to research any topic and have become a skilled interviewer over the last 20 years. Of course it’s always fun to interview a celebrity but I love talking to real people and uncovering their quirks and curiosities. Everyone has a story to tell…


The anti-pregnancy pandemic: How Covid has stopped women like me from having babies


Brand story-telling for Ember & Eden